Summary of Performance
What's Required
TAC §89.1070(c)
All students receiving special education services and graduating from high school shall be provided with a summary of academic achievement and functional performance. Completed during the final year of a student’s high school education.
Consider, as appropriate:
- the views of the parent and student
- written recommendations from adult service agencies on how to assist the student in meeting postsecondary goals
- results of an evaluation
IDEA 2004 §300.305(e)(3)
When a child graduates from high school with a regular diploma or “ages out” of special education, IDEA requires the school to provide a “summary of academic achievement and functional performance.” The Summary of Performance (SOP) should include recommendations about ways to help meet post-secondary goals.
The SOP must be completed during the final year of a student’s high school education and is most useful when completed during the transition IEP process when the student has the opportunity to actively participate in the development of this document. The document should contain the most updated information on the performance of the student and include both the student’s abilities and aspirations.
Four Components:
- Postsecondary Goals
- Academic achievement
- Functional performance
- Recommendations
To give all students with IEPs a useful tool to use after graduation to help them meet their postsecondary goals
- Enhance postsecondary outcomes for students with disabilities
- Enhance access to postsecondary education and employment through collaboration
- Opportunity to analyze data and input from various sources
- Opportunity for student to apply self advocacy skills
What We Do
At each senior annual ARD and prior to a student "aging out" a REED is conducted to review all of the relevant information regarding the student's performance. This is typically done in the Fall. In the spring a brief graduation ARD is held where the Summary of Performance is Updated/Finalized.
Invited to the Meeting:
- Student/Adult Student
- Parent
- Career Counselor
- Teachers
- Relevant Related Service Providers
- Agency Representatives (Invited with consent, but may not participate in person)
- HS School Administrator
- CTE Representative
- 18+ ACCESS Supervisor if student plans to attend the program
- LEA Representative