COVID-19 Information


Our Librarian, Leslie Hussey, put together this collection of great resources shared by teachers/staff members. Families are encouraged to check back often for updates.
You can click on the image below or access it here.
eLearning Resources Collection
Librarian Leslie Hussey

Texas Education Agency (TEA) has provided a collection of resources designed to support home learning for students in grades preK - 12.  These materials are available in print and digital formats, and they are organized by grade level.  Families may find these a valuable resource when providing academic enrichment opportunities for their children.
You can click on the image below or access it here.
Texas Home Learning

Check out the TSD COVID-19 website for more information, including updates shared by Superintendent Claire Bugen.
You can click on the image below or access it here.
TSD COVID-19 Webpage