Transition and Guardianship Resources
Texas Project FIRST (Region 9 ESC):
- Course of Study / Curso de Estudios
- Coordinated Set of Activities / Conjunto Coordinado de Actividades
- Employment Resources
- Graduation / La Graduación
- Independent Living Resources
- Person Centered Planning / Planificación Centrada en la Persona
- Postsecondary Education Resources
- Post-Secondary Goals / Metas Post-Secundarias
- Related Services & Transition / Los servicios terapéuticos y la transición
- Self-Advocacy / Auto-apoyo
- Self-Determination / Autodeterminación
- The Future / La Transición y el Futuro
- Transition & the IEP / Transicion en el IEP
Texas Statewide Leadership for Autism (Region 13 ESC):
- Transitional and Vocational Evaluations from the Texas Autism Resource Guide
- Supporting a Successful Transition to Adulthood for Students with Autism (online Training)
- Futures Planning for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (online training)
Disability Rights Texas - Supported Decision Making Resources:
- Supported Decision Making Made Easy
- An Easy-to-Follow Guide on Supported Decision-Making Agreements
- Sample Supported Decision-Making Agreement
- The Right to Make Choices: A Supported Decision-Making Toolkit for People with Disabilities and Their Supporters
- Supported Decision Making
- Durable Power of Attorney
- Durable Power of Attorney over Health Care
- Directive to Physician
- Social Security Representative Payment program
- Consent to Authorize Advocacy -
- Consent to Authorize Advocacy (pdf) – A sample form to use to with schools or other adult agencies to authorize parents participation at ARD meetings; from The Univ. of Montana Rural Institute.
- Consent to Authorize Advocacy (pdf) – Here is another example of a simplified form to use with the school district. It was “notarized” to make it official, but not necessary.
Minnesota Department of Human Services – Introduction and Guide to Supported Decision Making (You Tube)
Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities – Guardianship Alternatives
Texas Health & Human Services: Advance Directives – This resource explains the different legal documents that allow individuals to convey their decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time. Options to consider for adults with disabilities may include the Medical Power of Attorney and the Declaration for Mental Health Treatment.
Texas Guardianship Association
The Arc of Texas - Alternatives to Guardianship
The Legal Framework for the Child Centered Process - Adult Students and Transfer of Rights
Transition Coalition – Links to free webcasts and other resources related to Guardianship & Supported Decision Making
Resources for Accessibility